Links for getting the most out of conferences

airplane drawing

I’m packing my bags and flying out today for ATA54 in San Antonio, Texas. It’s my first multi-day industry conference, so I’m pretty excited!

Below is a round-up of tips I found useful in preparing for this large professional event. I hope you find them helpful, whatever conference you may attend.

The only other advice I feel I can add to this is: to thine own self be true. I’m not an early riser, for instance, so you definitely won’t find me at the 6am yoga sessions, no matter how lovely they might be. I do like having a lot of time to observe the action, though, so you will find me seated at the information table for the National Capital Area Translators Association quite a bit (I just phased out of my board member role, post-move, but I can still recommend joining!).

If you’re planning to attend the conference and want to say hi, you know where to find me!

What advice do you have for conference-goers? How did you enjoy attending your first major professional event?

2 thoughts on “Links for getting the most out of conferences

  1. Pingback: Weekly favorites (Nov 22-28) | Adventures in Freelance Translation

  2. Pingback: The Only Networking Tip You Need for ATA59 | translation, untangled

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