Corpus linguistics glossary (English only)

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The ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) has published an English-language glossary of terms related to corpus linguistics. For translators working with this subject matter, it can serve as a mini-dictionary. For everyone else, reading through these key terms should offer a great introduction to the research method.

You can access the glossary as a PDF here. To learn more about corpus linguistics, CASS has several other briefings available online here.

I learned about CASS by taking Tony McEnery’s Future Learn MOOC on corpus linguistics. Another option is to sign up for the 2-part webinar series offered by the Northern California Translators Association. Anyone looking to compile a glossary of terms based on real usage, or to provide real-life examples of language use for students, can benefit from this technique.

Do you use social science to back up your language intuition? How do you conduct terminology research?

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  1. Pingback: Corpus linguistics research tool | translation, untangled

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