Coffee hour, December 16th

Grab a coffee with your language-loving colleagues on December 16, 2017, in Roseville, California. I’m hosting another coffee hour for the Northern California Translators Association in the greater Sacramento area just in time for the holidays. Please join us from 10:30am–12:30pm at the Westfield Galleria for some friendly shop talk. Our gatherings typically cover everything from local restaurants to national politics. Whatever is on your mind professionally, you are welcome to share with us!

Details are on NCTA’s events page:

It’s the little things

Holiday season is officially upon us!

christmas wreath teal door Wiki commons image

Consider this a PSA: I’m not one to dictate to anyone how to conduct business (there’s more than one way, after all!), but you should seriously consider using this opportunity to thank those who help you pay your bills by paying theirs. Meaning, your clients.

If you have something against holiday cards, send New Year greetings. If you have something against that, pick another point in the year that will be your thank-you time. Even if you have hundreds of clients, you can keep your costs low while making a big impact. Pick up the pen, put it to some stationery, and write “thanks!”

Think about it: when’s the last time you received something other than a bill or unsolicited marketing junk at your business address? Most likely, it’s been months. Another question: aren’t we translators ultimately in the business of communication?

Take a moment now to put a smile on the face of your clients by demonstrating your ability to communicate gratitude. Don’t sell, don’t write about new business, don’t schmooze. Just say thank you. The rewards will come. Not that they’re the point.

Warmth and rest to you this winter season!